
The guidelines for the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee can be found in Appendix O of Lafayette’s Faculty Handbook.


To meet the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act, all personnel involved in animal care, treatment, and use are required to be properly trained. This includes students participating in student-faculty research. The IACUC’s training form should be submitted and needs to be completed and filed with the IACUC.

Submitting a Protocol

All use of vertebrate animals for research, educational, and instructional purposes must have IACUC approval before the start of the project. The IACUC application should be submitted to the Chair of the IACUC, Professor James Dearworth.

Reporting a Concern related to animal care and use

IACUC has procedures in place for reporting and investigating concerns related to animal care and use. Institutional policy contains provisions to protect the confidentiality of those who report concerns.  The policy also addresses mechanisms for protecting complainants from reprisals and also allows for anonymous reporting (Please note: To report concerns regarding other forms of research misconduct, visit Lafayette’s Faculty Handbook Appendix N for guidance.)

Use this link to report a concern related to animal care and use.